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Future Scenarios for AI to Replace HR Jobs

A lot of folks have been spreading for AI platforms announcing the automation of some indispensable processes of businesses at the giant level. It is creating a high risk for the elimination of some vital jobs. Nevertheless, it is true for the processes that are monotonous needing the least human intervention. As per recent research, AI is going to target the majority of middle and low-level positions for the upcoming years.

This new trend is going to provide its multi-layered impact on various industries. There is a probability of replacing some HR strategic roles with AI such as formulating recruitment tactics, executive training sessions etc. There are numerous strategic responsibilities which can be undertaken by AI automation. However, it can’t replace the HR as a whole but it is going to bring a substantial change in this job segment by eradicating most essential jobs.

AI processes can be seen for the tasks which are available in large volume and possess less complicated decision-making criteria. It has created worries in mind of people related with huge job losses that will occur out of AI implementation. This is also going to affect the HR segment.

The myth about AI’s Negatives

The real purpose of AI is only to execute the tedious and monotonous tasks that increase unnecessary workload over the employees. It kills most of their time which can be used for performing other productive tasks. Still, AI can not be considered as a threat for employees as it needs sufficient human intervention. We need to broaden our concept for AI that it is mere to perform the repetitive tasks that eat most of the precious time of employees.

On the hand by performing such task with AI will allow them to use their valuable time and efforts for some intellectual works of the organization. Most jobs involve communication skills and logical reasoning that cannot be replaced by AI in anyways. Only a major shift that can be felt after the introduction of AI for employees is from executing the task themselves to mere supervising the machines. Most jobs that are based on manpower skills are still beyond the dimensions of AI.

The automation is only going to make the jobs smooth and most efficient than ever by eradicating the tedious tasks. As a result, employees are going to have better focus, increased productivity and freedom for using innovative ideas at the workplace.


What is the impact of AI in HR Jobs?

The impact of AI on the jobs in HR & recruitment is going to be multi-layered. There are numerous roles of HR that have the least probability for being replaced by AI such as recruitment plans, policy formulation, executive training sessions etc. Not all the jobs of HR could be replaced by AI, but still, it has great power to bring a giant disruption in the HR field by replacing most middle-level HR jobs. A clear difference can be seen in the monotonous tasks and the other ones that require human intelligence and decision-making ability. HR has to perform both kinds of jobs. HR roles like screening and scheduling will become automated while other complicated tasks.

Science explains AI has a revolutionary technology-based innovation that is being operated by robots and autonomous. But, in reality, AI has the potential to make life effortless and allow individuals to focus on other directions. This is going to work in the field of HR & recruitment jobs in Auckland also.  

  • Traditional workforce scheduling was based on working with spreadsheets, creating to-do lists for day to day tasks and managing staff availability forms to keep going. It was rather a trial and error tactic that faced a lot of challenges in the conditions like increase in work volume or any unexpected change in staff available.

  • AI implementation is going to bring substantial transformation in the work organization by increasing the efficacy of the workforce to the supremacy level. AI is going to allow auto-development schedules that is according to employee’s suitability and abide with labour law compliance. There will be no further need for updating the schedules on a manual basis and the AI engine may easily construct the schedules and create alerts for the new data.

  • AI can scan diverse kinds of source channels for creating an auto-generated process for short-listing the potential candidates. Easy integration of AI with the historical company HR data as possible that is going to aid in learning from past success and failures.

  • The early assessment processes of the HR team are going to be simplified just by careful evaluation of each candidate before launching of interview sessions with the business teams. This step of the recruitment process is specifically threatening at mid-level to senior-level positions. It eats a lot of time of an HR to conduct an interview for a candidate among his or her busy schedules and to launch an interview.

  • With the help of AI-video analysis, candidates are allowed to shoot their video from their end by staying at their convenience and relevantly share with the recruiters. The AI-driven technology helps in analysing the video data just to identify their work-style, team-work potential and common intellectual.

Final Words

AI is going to survive and assist in few repetitive HR operations such as recruitment, engagement, evaluation and retainment of talents. HR professionals should fold their sleeves to face this reality and agree to the fact the administrative skills are going to lose their importance. Moreover, they are going to get relief in several process-based operations. There are a new set of priorities for the future HR professionals just as recruiting accurate workplace technology and making the right efforts for making the employer brand rather than merely to focus on current processes.